GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Lawn , n. [OE. laund, launde, F. lande heath, moor; of Celtic origin; cf. W. llan an open, clear place, llawnt a smooth rising hill, lawn, Armor. lann or lan territory, country, lann a prickly plant, pl. lannou heath, moor.]
    1. An open space between woods.

      1913 Webster

      “Orchard lawns and bowery hollows.”

      1913 Webster

    2. Ground (generally in front of or around a house) covered with grass kept closely mown.
      1913 Webster

      Lawn mower, a machine for clipping the short grass of lawns. -- Lawn tennis, a variety of the game of tennis, played in the open air, sometimes upon a lawn, instead of in a tennis court. See Tennis.

      1913 Webster

    Lawn, n. [Earlier laune lynen, i. e., lawn linen; prob. from the town Laon in France.] A very fine linen (or sometimes cotton) fabric with a rather open texture. Lawn is used for the sleeves of a bishop's official dress in the English Church, and, figuratively, stands for the office itself.
    1913 Webster

    A saint in crape is twice a saint in lawn.

    1913 Webster

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