GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Leopard , n. [OE. leopart, leparde, lebarde, libbard, OF. leopard, liepart, F. léopard, L. leopardus, fr. Gr. λεόπαρδος; λέων lion + πάρδος pard. See Lion, and Pard.] (Zool.) A large, savage, carnivorous mammal (Felis leopardus). It is of a yellow or fawn color, with rings or roselike clusters of black spots along the back and sides. It is found in Southern Asia and Africa. By some the panther (Felis pardus) is regarded as a variety of leopard.
    1913 Webster

    Hunting leopard. See Cheetah. --Leopard cat (Zool.) any one of several species or varieties of small, spotted cats found in Africa, Southern Asia, and the East Indies; esp., Felis Bengalensis. -- Leopard marmot. See Gopher, 2.

    1913 Webster

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