GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Lock , n. [AS. locc; akin to D. lok, G. locke, OHG. loc, Icel. lokkr, and perh. to Gr. to bend, twist.] A tuft of hair; a flock or small quantity of wool, hay, or other like substance; a tress or ringlet of hair.
    1913 Webster

    These gray locks, the pursuivants of death.

    1913 Webster

    Lock, n. [AS. loc inclosure, an inclosed place, the fastening of a door, fr. lūcan to lock, fasten; akin to OS. lūkan (in comp.), D. luiken, OHG. lūhhan, Icel. lūka, Goth. lūkan (in comp.); cf. Skr. ruj to break. Cf. Locket.]
    1. Anything that fastens; specifically, a fastening, as for a door, a lid, a trunk, a drawer, and the like, in which a bolt is moved by a key so as to hold or to release the thing fastened.
      1913 Webster
    2. A fastening together or interlacing; a closing of one thing upon another; a state of being fixed or immovable.
      1913 Webster

      Albemarle Street closed by a lock of carriages.
      De Quincey.

      1913 Webster

    3. A place from which egress is prevented, as by a lock.

      1913 Webster
    4. The barrier or works which confine the water of a stream or canal.
      1913 Webster
    5. An inclosure in a canal with gates at each end, used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from one level to another; -- called also lift lock.
      1913 Webster
    6. That part or apparatus of a firearm by which the charge is exploded; as, a matchlock, flintlock, percussion lock, etc.
      1913 Webster
    7. A device for keeping a wheel from turning.
      1913 Webster
    8. A grapple in wrestling.

      1913 Webster

      Detector lock, a lock containing a contrivance for showing whether it as has been tampered with. -- Lock bay (Canals), the body of water in a lock chamber. -- Lock chamber, the inclosed space between the gates of a canal lock. -- Lock nut. See Check nut, under Check. -- Lock plate, a plate to which the mechanism of a gunlock is attached. -- Lock rail (Arch.), in ordinary paneled doors, the rail nearest the lock. Lock rand (Masonry), a range of bond stone. Knight. -- Mortise lock, a door lock inserted in a mortise. -- Rim lock, a lock fastened to the face of a door, thus differing from a mortise lock.

      1913 Webster

    Lock, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Locked ; p. pr. & vb. n. Locking.]
    1. To fasten with a lock, or as with a lock; to make fast; to prevent free movement of; as, to lock a door, a carriage wheel, a river, etc.
      1913 Webster
    2. To prevent ingress or access to, or exit from, by fastening the lock or locks of; -- often with up; as, to lock or lock up, a house, jail, room, trunk. etc.
      1913 Webster
    3. To fasten in or out, or to make secure by means of, or as with, locks; to confine, or to shut in or out -- often with up; as, to lock one's self in a room; to lock up the prisoners; to lock up one's silver; to lock intruders out of the house; to lock money into a vault; to lock a child in one's arms; to lock a secret in one's breast.
      1913 Webster
    4. To link together; to clasp closely; as, to lock arms.Lock hand in hand.”

      1913 Webster
    5. (Canals) To furnish with locks; also, to raise or lower (a boat) in a lock.
      1913 Webster
    6. (Fencing) To seize, as the sword arm of an antagonist, by turning the left arm around it, to disarm him.
      1913 Webster
    Lock , v. i. To become fast, as by means of a lock or by interlacing; as, the door locks close.
    1913 Webster

    When it locked none might through it pass.

    1913 Webster

    To lock into, to fit or slide into; as, they lock into each other.


    1913 Webster

    Safety , n. [Cf. F. sauveté.]
    1. The condition or state of being safe; freedom from danger or hazard; exemption from hurt, injury, or loss.
      1913 Webster

      Up led by thee,
      Into the heaven I have presumed,
      An earthly guest . . . With like safety guided down,
      Return me to my native element.

      1913 Webster

    2. Freedom from whatever exposes one to danger or from liability to cause danger or harm; safeness; hence, the quality of making safe or secure, or of giving confidence, justifying trust, insuring against harm or loss, etc.
      1913 Webster

      Would there were any safety in thy sex,
      That I might put a thousand sorrows off,
      And credit thy repentance!
      Beau. & Fl.

      1913 Webster

    3. Preservation from escape; close custody.
      1913 Webster

      Imprison him, . . .
      Deliver him to safety; and return.

      1913 Webster

    4. (Amer. Football) the act or result of a ball-carrier on the offensive team being tackled behind his own goal line, or the downing of a ball behind the offensive team's own goal line when it had been carried or propelled behind that goal line by a player on the offensive tream; such a play causes a score of two points to be awarded to the defensive team; -- it is distinguished from touchback, when the ball is downed behind the goal after being propelled there or last touched by a player of the defending team. See Touchdown. Same as Safety touchdown, below.
      Webster 1913 Suppl.
    5. Short for Safety bicycle. [archaic]
      Webster 1913 Suppl.
    6. a switch on a firearm that locks the trigger and prevents the firearm from being discharged unintentionally; -- also called safety catch, safety lock, or lock. [archaic]

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