GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Litharge , n. [OE. litarge, F. litharge, L. lithargyrus, Gr. λιθάργυρος the scum or foam of silver; λίθος stone + ἄργυρος silver. Litharge is found in silverbearing lead ore.] (Chem.) Lead monoxide; a yellowish red substance, obtained as an amorphous powder, or crystallized in fine scales, by heating lead moderately in a current of air or by calcining lead nitrate or carbonate. It is used in making flint glass, in glazing earthenware, in making red lead or minium, etc. Called also massicot.
    1913 Webster
    massicot , n. [F. massicot; E. masticot is a corruption.] (Chem.) Lead monoxide (also called Lead protoxide), PbO, obtained as a yellow amorphous powder, the fused and crystalline form of which is called litharge; lead ocher. It is used as a pigment. It is also called lead oxide yellow, as opposed to red lead, which is lead tetroxide Pb3O4.
    1913 Webster

    Massicot is sometimes used by painters, and also as a drier in the composition of ointments and plasters.

    1913 Webster

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