GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    { Cysticerce , Cysticercus , } n. [NL. cysticercus, fr. Gr. bladder + κέρκος tail: cf. F. cysticerque.] (Zool.) The larval form of a tapeworm, having the head and neck of a tapeworm attached to a saclike body filled with fluid; -- called also bladder worm, hydatid, and measle (as, pork measle).
    1913 Webster

    ☞ These larvae live in the tissues of various living animals, and, when swallowed by a suitable carnivorous animal, develop into adult tapeworms in the intestine. See Measles, 4, Tapeworm.

    1913 Webster

    Measle , n. [OE. mesel, OF. mesel, LL. misellus, L. misellus unfortunate, dim. of miser. See Miser.] A leper. [Obs.] [Written also meazel, and mesel.]
    Wyclif (Matt. x. 8. ).

    1913 Webster
    Measle, n. (Zool.) A tapeworm larva. See 2d Measles, 4.
    1913 Webster

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