GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Mild , a. [Compar. Milder ; superl. Mildest.] [AS. milde; akin to OS. mildi, D. & G. mild, OHG. milti, Icel. mildr, Sw. & Dan. mild, Goth. milds; cf. Lith. melas dear, Gr. gladdening gifts.] Gentle; pleasant; kind; soft; bland; clement; hence, moderate in degree or quality; -- the opposite of harsh, severe, irritating, violent, disagreeable, etc.; -- applied to persons and things; as, a mild disposition; a mild eye; a mild air; a mild medicine; a mild insanity.
    1913 Webster

    The rosy morn resigns her light
    And milder glory to the noon.

    1913 Webster

    Adore him as a mild and merciful Being.

    1913 Webster

    Mild steel, or Low steel, steel that has but little carbon in it and is not readily hardened.

    1913 Webster

    Syn. -- Soft; gentle; bland; calm; tranquil; soothing; pleasant; placid; meek; kind; tender; indulgent; clement; mollifying; lenitive; assuasive. See Gentle.

    1913 Webster

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