GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    Dandy , n.; pl. Dandies . [Cf. F. dandin, ninny, silly fellow, dandiner to waddle, to play the fool; prob. allied to E. dandle. Senses 2 & 3 are of uncertain etymology.]
    1. One who affects special finery or gives undue attention to dress; a fop; a coxcomb.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Naut.) (a) A sloop or cutter with a jigger on which a lugsail is set. (b) A small sail carried at or near the stern of small boats; -- called also jigger, and mizzen.
      1913 Webster
    3. A dandy roller. See below.
      1913 Webster

      Dandy brush, a yard whalebone brush. -- Dandy fever. See Dengue. -- Dandy line, a kind of fishing line to which are attached several crosspieces of whalebone which carry a hook at each end. -- Dandy roller, a roller sieve used in machines for making paper, to press out water from the pulp, and set the paper.

    Mizzen , a. [It. mezzana, fr. mezzano middle, fr. mezzo middle, half: cf. F. misaine foresail. See Mezzo.] (Naut.) Hindmost; nearest the stern; as, the mizzen shrouds, sails, etc.
    1913 Webster
    Mizzen, n. (Naut.) The hindmost of the fore and aft sails of a three-masted vessel; also, the spanker.
    1913 Webster

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