GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    opposite , a. [F., fr. L. oppositus, p. p. of opponere. See Opponent.]
    1. Placed over against; standing or situated over against or in front; facing; -- often with to; as, a house opposite to the Exchange; the concert hall and the state theater stood opposite each other on the plaza.
      1913 Webster
    2. Situated on the other end of an imaginary line passing through or near the middle of an intervening space or object; -- of one object with respect to another; as, the office is on the opposite side of town; -- also used both to describe two objects with respect to each other; as, the stores were on opposite ends of the mall.
    3. Applied to the other of two things which are entirely different; other; as, the opposite sex; the opposite extreme; antonyms have opposite meanings.
      1913 Webster
    4. Extremely different; inconsistent; contrary; repugnant; antagonistic.
      1913 Webster

      Novels, by which the reader is misled into another sort of pleasure opposite to that which is designed in an epic poem.

      1913 Webster

      Particles of speech have divers, and sometimes almost opposite, significations.

      1913 Webster

    5. (Bot.) (a) Set over against each other, but separated by the whole diameter of the stem, as two leaves at the same node. (b) Placed directly in front of another part or organ, as a stamen which stands before a petal.
      1913 Webster
    Opposite, n.
    1. One who opposes; an opponent; an antagonist. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      The opposites of this day's strife.

      1913 Webster

    2. That which is opposed or contrary in character or meaning; as, sweetness and its opposite; up is the opposite of down.
      1913 Webster

      The virtuous man meets with more opposites and opponents than any other.

      1913 Webster

      polar opposite that which is conspicuously different in most important respects.


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