GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Orgy , n.; sing. Orgies . [F. orgie, orgies, L. orgia, pl., Gr. ; akin to work. See Organ, and Work.]
    1913 Webster
    1. A sacrifice accompanied by certain ceremonies in honor of some pagan deity; especially, the ceremonies observed by the Greeks and Romans in the worship of Dionysus, or Bacchus, which were characterized by wild and dissolute revelry. Usually in the plural form. [The singular is rarely used in this sense.]
      1913 Webster

      As when, with crowned cups, unto the Elian god,
      Those priests high orgies held.

      1913 Webster

    2. Wild, drunken, or licentious revelry; an uninhibited carouse.
      B. Jonson. Tennyson.

      1913 Webster
    3. A series of sexual activities involving more than two couples in a group.
    4. Hence: An event characterized by unrestrained indulgence in passion; as, an orgy of buying of internet stocks.
    Orgy , n.; pl. Orgies . A frantic revel; drunken revelry. See Orgies
    1913 Webster