GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Particular , a. [OE. particuler, F. particulier, L. particularis. See Particle.]
    1. Relating to a part or portion of anything; concerning a part separated from the whole or from others of the class; separate; sole; single; individual; specific; as, the particular stars of a constellation.

      1913 Webster

      [Make] each particular hair to stand an end,
      Like quills upon the fretful porpentine.

      1913 Webster

      Seken in every halk and every herne
      Particular sciences for to lerne.

      1913 Webster

    2. Of or pertaining to a single person, class, or thing; belonging to one only; not general; not common; hence, personal; peculiar; singular. “Thine own particular wrongs.”

      1913 Webster

      Wheresoever one plant draweth such a particular juice out of the earth.

      1913 Webster

    3. Separate or distinct by reason of superiority; distinguished; important; noteworthy; unusual; special; as, he brought no particular news; she was the particular belle of the party.
      1913 Webster
    4. Concerned with, or attentive to, details; minute; circumstantial; precise; as, a full and particular account of an accident; hence, nice; fastidious; as, a man particular in his dress.
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    5. (Law) (a) Containing a part only; limited; as, a particular estate, or one precedent to an estate in remainder. (b) Holding a particular estate; as, a particular tenant.

      1913 Webster
    6. (Logic) Forming a part of a genus; relatively limited in extension; affirmed or denied of a part of a subject; as, a particular proposition; -- opposed to universal: e. g. (particular affirmative) Some men are wise; (particular negative) Some men are not wise.
      1913 Webster

      Particular average. See under Average. -- Particular Baptist, one of a branch of the Baptist denomination the members of which hold the doctrine of a particular or individual election and reprobation. -- Particular lien (Law), a lien, or a right to retain a thing, for some charge or claim growing out of, or connected with, that particular thing. -- Particular redemption, the doctrine that the purpose, act, and provisions of redemption are restricted to a limited number of the human race. See Calvinism.

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Minute; individual; respective; appropriate; peculiar; especial; exact; specific; precise; critical; circumstantial. See Minute.

      1913 Webster

    Particular , n.
    1. A separate or distinct member of a class, or part of a whole; an individual fact, point, circumstance, detail, or item, which may be considered separately; as, the particulars of a story.
      1913 Webster

      Particulars which it is not lawful for me to reveal.

      1913 Webster

      It is the greatest interest of particulars to advance the good of the community.

      1913 Webster

    2. Special or personal peculiarity, trait, or character; individuality; interest, etc. [Obs.]
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      For his particular I'll receive him gladly.

      1913 Webster

      If the particulars of each person be considered.

      1913 Webster

      Temporal blessings, whether such as concern the public . . . or such as concern our particular.
      Whole Duty of Man.

      1913 Webster

    3. (Law) One of the details or items of grounds of claim; -- usually in the pl.; also, a bill of particulars; a minute account; as, a particular of premises.
      1913 Webster

      The reader has a particular of the books wherein this law was written.

      1913 Webster

      Bill of particulars. See under Bill. -- In particular, specially; specifically; peculiarly; particularly; especially. “This, in particular, happens to the lungs.” Blackmore. -- To go into particulars, to relate or describe in detail or minutely.

      1913 Webster

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