GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Partner , n. [For parcener, influenced by part.]
    1. One who has a part in anything with an other; a partaker; an associate; a sharer.Partner of his fortune.” Shak. Hence: (a) A husband or a wife. (b) Either one of a couple who dance together. (c) One who shares as a member of a partnership in the management, or in the gains and losses, of a business.
      1913 Webster

      My other self, the partner of my life.

      1913 Webster

    2. (Law) An associate in any business or occupation; a member of a partnership. See Partnership.
      1913 Webster
    3. pl. (Naut.) A framework of heavy timber surrounding an opening in a deck, to strengthen it for the support of a mast, pump, capstan, or the like.
      1913 Webster

      Dormant partner, or Silent partner. See under Dormant, a.

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Associate; colleague; coadjutor; confederate; partaker; participator; companion; comrade; mate.

      1913 Webster

    Partner, v. t. To associate, to join. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster

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