GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Pawn , n. See Pan, the masticatory.
    1913 Webster
    Pawn, n. [OE. paune, poun, OF. peon, poon, F. pion, LL. pedo a foot soldier, fr. L. pes, pedis, foot. See Foot, and cf. Pioneer, Peon.] (Chess) A man or piece of the lowest rank.
    1913 Webster
    Pawn, n. [OF. pan pledge, assurance, skirt, piece, F. pan skirt, lappet, piece, from L. pannus. See Pane.]
    1. Anything delivered or deposited as security, as for the payment of money borrowed, or of a debt; a pledge. See Pledge, n., 1.
      1913 Webster

      As for mortgaging or pawning, . . . men will not take pawns without use [i. e., interest].

      1913 Webster

    2. State of being pledged; a pledge for the fulfillment of a promise. [R.]
      1913 Webster

      Redeem from broking pawn the blemish'd crown.

      1913 Webster

      As the morning dew is a pawn of the evening fatness.

      1913 Webster

    3. A stake hazarded in a wager. [Poetic]
      1913 Webster

      My life I never held but as a pawn
      To wage against thy enemies.

      1913 Webster

      In pawn, At pawn, in the state of being pledged. “Sweet wife, my honor is at pawn.” Shak. -- Pawn shop, a shop where a pawnbroker does business. -- Pawn ticket, a receipt given by the pawnbroker for an article pledged.

      1913 Webster

    Pawn, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pawned ; p. pr. & vb. n. Pawning.]
    1. To give or deposit in pledge, or as security for the payment of money borrowed; to put in pawn; to pledge; as, to pawn one's watch.
      Syn. -- hock [colloq].
      1913 Webster

      And pawned the last remaining piece of plate.

      1913 Webster

    2. To pledge for the fulfillment of a promise; to stake; to risk; to wager; to hazard.
      1913 Webster

      Pawning his honor to obtain his lust.

      1913 Webster

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