GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    pestle , n. [OE. pestel, OF. pestel, LL. pestellum, L. pistillum, pistillus, a pounder, pestle, fr. pisere, pinsere, to pound, crush, akin to Gr. πτίσσειν, Skr. pish. Cf. Pistil.]
    1. An implement for pounding and breaking or braying substances in a mortar; as, to grind with a mortar and pestle.
      1913 Webster
    2. A constable's or bailiff's staff; -- so called from its shape. [Obs.]

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    3. The leg and leg bone of an animal, especially of a pig; as, a pestle of pork.
      1913 Webster
    pestle , v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Pestled ; p. pr. & vb. n. Pestling .] To pound, pulverize, bray, or mix with a pestle, or as with a pestle; to use a pestle.
    1913 Webster

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