GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found one definition

    Petty , a. [Compar. Pettier ; superl. Pettiest.] [OE. petit, F. petit; probably of Celtic origin, and akin to E. piece. Cf. Petit.] Little; trifling; inconsiderable; unimportant; also, inferior; subordinate; as, a petty fault; petty complaints; a petty prince.

    1913 Webster

    Like a petty god
    I walked about, admired of all.

    1913 Webster

    Petty averages. See under Average. -- Petty cash, money expended or received in small items or amounts. -- Petty officer, a subofficer in the navy, as a gunner, etc., corresponding to a noncommissionned officer in the army.

    1913 Webster

    ☞ For petty constable, petty jury, petty larceny, petty treason, See Petit.

    1913 Webster

    Syn. -- Little; diminutive; inconsiderable; inferior; trifling; trivial; unimportant; frivolous.

    1913 Webster

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