GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Please , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pleased; p. pr. & vb. n. Pleasing.] [OE. plesen, OF. plaisir, fr. L. placere, akin to placare to reconcile. Cf. Complacent, Placable, Placid, Plea, Plead, Pleasure.]
    1. To give pleasure to; to excite agreeable sensations or emotions in; to make glad; to gratify; to content; to satisfy.
      1913 Webster

      I pray to God that it may plesen you.

      1913 Webster

      What next I bring shall please thee, be assured.

      1913 Webster

    2. To have or take pleasure in; hence, to choose; to wish; to desire; to will.
      1913 Webster

      Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he.
      Ps. cxxxv. 6.

      1913 Webster

      A man doing as he wills, and doing as he pleases, are the same things in common speech.
      J. Edwards.

      1913 Webster

    3. To be the will or pleasure of; to seem good to; -- used impersonally. “It pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell.”
      Col. i. 19.

      1913 Webster

      To-morrow, may it please you.

      1913 Webster

      To be pleased in or To be pleased with, to have complacency in; to take pleasure in. -- To be pleased to do a thing, to take pleasure in doing it; to have the will to do it; to think proper to do it.


      1913 Webster

    Please , v. i.
    1. To afford or impart pleasure; to excite agreeable emotions.
      1913 Webster

      What pleasing scemed, for her now pleases more.

      1913 Webster

      For we that live to please, must please to live.

      1913 Webster

    2. To have pleasure; to be willing, as a matter of affording pleasure or showing favor; to vouchsafe; to consent.
      1913 Webster

      Heavenly stranger, please to taste
      These bounties.

      1913 Webster

      That he would please 8give me my liberty.

      1913 Webster

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