GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Kinkajou , n. [F. kinkajou, quincajou, from the native American name.] (Zool.) A nocturnal carnivorous mammal (Cercoleptes caudivolvulus) of South America, about as large as a full-grown cat. It has a prehensile tail and lives in trees. It is the only representative of a distinct family (Cercoleptidæ) allied to the raccoons. Called also potto, and honey bear.
    1913 Webster
    ‖Potto , n. (Zool.) (a) A nocturnal mammal (Perodictius potto) of the Lemur family, found in West Africa. It has rudimentary forefingers. Called also aposoro, and bush dog. (b) The kinkajou.
    1913 Webster

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