GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Preach , v. i. [imp. & p. p. Preached ; p. pr. & vb. n. Preaching.] [OE. prechen, OF. preechier, F. prêcher, fr. L. praedicare to cry in public, to proclaim; prae before + dicare to make known, dicere to say; or perhaps from (assumed) LL. praedictare. See Diction, and cf. Predicate, Predict.]
    1. To proclaim or publish tidings; specifically, to proclaim the gospel; to discourse publicly on a religious subject, or from a text of Scripture; to deliver a sermon.
      1913 Webster

      How shall they preach, except they be sent?
      Rom. x. 15.

      1913 Webster

      From that time Jesus began to preach.
      Matt. iv. 17.

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    2. To give serious advice on morals or religion; to discourse in the manner of a preacher.
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    Preach, v. t.
    1. To proclaim by public discourse; to utter in a sermon or a formal religious harangue.
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      That Cristes gospel truly wolde preche.

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      The Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek.
      Isa. lxi. 1.

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    2. To inculcate in public discourse; to urge with earnestness by public teaching. “I have preached righteousness in the great congregation.”
      Ps. xl. 9.

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    3. To deliver or pronounce; as, to preach a sermon.
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    4. To teach or instruct by preaching; to inform by preaching. [R.] “As ye are preached.”

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    5. To advise or recommend earnestly.
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      My master preaches patience to him.

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      To preach down, to oppress, or humiliate by preaching. Tennyson. -- To preach up, to exalt by preaching; to preach in support of; as, to preach up equality.

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    Preach, n. [Cf. F. prêche, fr. prêcher. See Preach, v.] A religious discourse. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster