GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Proud , a. [Compar. Prouder ; superl. Proudest.] [OE. proud, prout, prud, prut, AS. prūt; akin to Icel. prūðr stately, handsome, Dan. prud handsome. Cf. Pride.]
    1. Feeling or manifesting pride, in a good or bad sense; as: (a) Possessing or showing too great self-esteem; overrating one's excellences; hence, arrogant; haughty; lordly; presumptuous.
      1913 Webster

      Nor much expect
      A foe so proud will first the weaker seek.

      1913 Webster

      O death, made proud with pure and princely beauty !

      1913 Webster

      And shades impervious to the proud world's glare.

      1913 Webster

      (b) Having a feeling of high self-respect or self-esteem; exulting (in); elated; -- often with of; as, proud of one's country.Proud to be checked and soothed.”


      1913 Webster

      Are we proud men proud of being proud ?

      1913 Webster

    2. Giving reason or occasion for pride or self-gratulation; worthy of admiration; grand; splendid; magnificent; admirable; ostentatious. “Of shadow proud.” Chapman.Proud titles.” Shak. “ The proud temple's height.”

      1913 Webster

      Till tower, and dome, and bridge-way proud
      Are mantled with a golden cloud.

      1913 Webster

    3. Excited by sexual desire; -- applied particularly to the females of some animals.
      Sir T. Browne.

      1913 Webster

      Proud is often used with participles in the formation of compounds which, for the most part, are self-explaining; as, proud-crested, proud-minded, proud-swelling.

      1913 Webster

      Proud flesh (Med.), a fungous growth or excrescence of granulations resembling flesh, in a wound or ulcer.

      1913 Webster

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