GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Rubric , n. [OE. rubriche, OF. rubriche, F. rubrique ( cf. it. rubrica), fr. L. rubrica red earth for coloring, red chalk, the title of a law (because written in red), fr. ruber red. See red.] That part of any work in the early manuscripts and typography which was colored red, to distinguish it from other portions. Hence, specifically: (a) A titlepage, or part of it, especially that giving the date and place of printing; also, the initial letters, etc., when printed in red. (b) (Law books) The title of a statute; -- so called as being anciently written in red letters. Bell. (c) (Liturgies) The directions and rules for the conduct of service, formerly written or printed in red; hence, also, an ecclesiastical or episcopal injunction; -- usually in the plural.
    1913 Webster

    All the clergy in England solemnly pledge themselves to observe the rubrics.

    1913 Webster

    (d) Hence, that which is established or settled, as by authority; a thing definitely settled or fixed.


    1913 Webster

    Nay, as a duty, it had no place or rubric in human conceptions before Christianity.
    De Quincey.

    1913 Webster

    1913 Webster

    Rubric, v. t. To adorn ith red; to redden; to rubricate. [R.]

    1913 Webster
    { Rubric , Rubrical }, a.
    1. Colored in, or marked with, red; placed in rubrics.
      1913 Webster

      What though my name stood rubric on the walls
      Or plaistered posts, with claps, in capitals?

      1913 Webster

    2. Of or pertaining to the rubric or rubrics.Rubrical eccentricities.”
      C. Kingsley.

      1913 Webster

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