GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Polychroite , n. [Poly- + Gr. color: cf. F. polychroïte.] (Chem.) The coloring matter of saffron; -- formerly so called because of the change of color on treatment with certain acids; -- called also crocin, and safranin.
    1913 Webster
    Safranin , n. (Chem.) (a) An orange-red dyestuff extracted from the saffron. [R.] (b) A red dyestuff extracted from the safflower, and formerly used in dyeing wool, silk, and cotton pink and scarlet; -- called also Spanish red, China lake, and carthamin. (c) An orange-red dyestuff prepared from certain nitro compounds of creosol, and used as a substitute for the safflower dye.
    1913 Webster

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