GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Found 2 definitions
Salvo , n.; pl. Salvos . [L. salvo jure, literally, the right being reserved. See Safe.] An exception; a reservation; an excuse.1913 Webster
They admit many salvos, cautions, and reservations.
Eikon Basilike.1913 Webster -
Salvo, n. [F. salve a discharge of heavy cannon, a volley, L. salve hail, imperat. of salvere to be well, akin to salvus well. See Safe.]
- (Mil.) A concentrated fire from pieces of artillery, as in endeavoring to make a break in a fortification; a volley.1913 Webster
- A salute paid by a simultaneous, or nearly simultaneous, firing of a number of cannon.1913 Webster
- (Mil.) A concentrated fire from pieces of artillery, as in endeavoring to make a break in a fortification; a volley.