GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found one definition

    Same , a. [AS. same, adv.; akin to OS. sama, samo, adv., OHG. sam, a., sama, adv., Icel. samr, a., Sw. samme, samma, Dan. samme, Goth. sama, Russ. samuii, Gr. , Skr. sama, Gr. like, L. simul at the same time, similis like, and E. some, a., -some. √191. Cf. Anomalous, Assemble, Homeopathy, Homily, Seem, v. i., Semi-, Similar, Some.]
    1. Not different or other; not another or others; identical; unchanged.
      1913 Webster

      Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.
      Ps. cii. 27.

      1913 Webster

    2. Of like kind, species, sort, dimensions, or the like; not differing in character or in the quality or qualities compared; corresponding; not discordant; similar; like.
      1913 Webster

      The ethereal vigor is in all the same.

      1913 Webster

    3. Just mentioned, or just about to be mentioned.
      1913 Webster

      What ye know, the same do I know.
      Job. xiii. 2.

      1913 Webster

      Do but think how well the same he spends,
      Who spends his blood his country to relieve.

      1913 Webster

      Same is commonly preceded by the, this, or that and is often used substantively as in the citations above. In a comparative use it is followed by as or with.

      1913 Webster

      Bees like the same odors as we do.

      1913 Webster

      [He] held the same political opinions with his illustrious friend.

      1913 Webster

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