GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Escarp , n. [F. escarpe (cf. Sp. escarpa, It. scarpa), fr. escarper to cut steep, cut to a slope, prob. of German origin: cf. G. scharf sharp,, E. sharp, or perh. scrape.] (Fort.) The side of the ditch next the parapet; -- same as scarp, and opposed to counterscarp.
    1913 Webster
    Scarp , n. [OF. escharpe. See 2d Scarf.] (Her.) A band in the same position as the bend sinister, but only half as broad as the latter.
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    Scarp, n. [Aphetic form of Escarp.]
    1. (Fort.) The slope of the ditch nearest the parapet; the escarp.
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    2. A steep descent or declivity.
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    Scarp, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scarped ; p. pr. & vb. n. Scarping.] To cut down perpendicularly, or nearly so; as, to scarp the face of a ditch or a rock.
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    From scarped cliff and quarried stone.

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    Sweep ruins from the scarped mountain.

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