GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Scorpion , n. [F., fr. L. scorpio, scorpius, Gr. , perhaps akin to E. sharp.]
    1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of pulmonate arachnids of the order Scorpiones, having a suctorial mouth, large claw-bearing palpi, and a caudal sting.
      1913 Webster

      ☞ Scorpions have a flattened body, and a long, slender post-abdomen formed of six movable segments, the last of which terminates in a curved venomous sting. The venom causes great pain, but is unattended either with redness or swelling, except in the axillary or inguinal glands, when an extremity is affected. It is seldom if ever destructive of life. Scorpions are found widely dispersed in the warm climates of both the Old and New Worlds.

      1913 Webster

    2. (Zool.) The pine or gray lizard (Sceloporus undulatus). [Local, U. S.]
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    3. (Zool.) The scorpene.
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    4. (Script.) A painful scourge.
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      My father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.
      1 Kings xii. 11.

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    5. (Astron.) A sign and constellation. See Scorpio.
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    6. (Antiq.) An ancient military engine for hurling stones and other missiles.
      1913 Webster

      Book scorpion. (Zool.) See under Book. -- False scorpion. (Zool.) See under False, and Book scorpion. -- Scorpion bug, or Water scorpion (Zool.) See Nepa. -- Scorpion fly (Zool.), a neuropterous insect of the genus Panorpa. See Panorpid. -- Scorpion grass (Bot.), a plant of the genus Myosotis. Myosotis palustris is the forget-me-not. -- Scorpion senna (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous shrub (Coronilla Emerus) having a slender joined pod, like a scorpion's tail. The leaves are said to yield a dye like indigo, and to be used sometimes to adulterate senna. -- Scorpion shell (Zool.), any shell of the genus Pteroceras. See Pteroceras. -- Scorpion spiders. (Zool.), any one of the Pedipalpi. -- Scorpion's tail (Bot.), any plant of the leguminous genus Scorpiurus, herbs with a circinately coiled pod; -- also called caterpillar. -- Scorpion's thorn (Bot.), a thorny leguminous plant (Genista Scorpius) of Southern Europe. -- The Scorpion's Heart (Astron.), the star Antares in the constellation Scorpio.

      1913 Webster

    Sculpin , n. [Written also skulpin.] (Zool.) (a) Any one of numerous species of marine cottoid fishes of the genus Cottus, or Acanthocottus, having a large head armed with several sharp spines, and a broad mouth. They are generally mottled with yellow, brown, and black. Several species are found on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and America. (b) A large cottoid market fish of California (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus); -- called also bighead, cabezon, scorpion, salpa. (c) The dragonet, or yellow sculpin, of Europe (Callionymus lyra).
    1913 Webster

    ☞ The name is also applied to other related California species.

    1913 Webster

    Deep-water sculpin, the sea raven.

    1913 Webster