GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Screech , v. i. [imp. & p. p. Screeched ; p. pr. & vb. n. Screeching.] [Also formerly, scritch, OE. skriken, skrichen, schriken, of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. skrækja to shriek, to screech, skrīkja to titter, Sw. skrika to shriek, Dan. skrige; also Gael. sgreach, sgreuch, W. ysgrechio, Skr. kharj to creak. Cf. Shriek, v., Scream, v.] To utter a harsh, shrill cry; to make a sharp outcry, as in terror or acute pain; to scream; to shriek. “The screech owl, screeching loud.”

    1913 Webster
    Screech, n. A harsh, shrill cry, as of one in acute pain or in fright; a shriek; a scream.
    1913 Webster

    Screech bird, or Screech thrush (Zool.), the fieldfare; -- so called from its harsh cry before rain. -- Screech rain. -- Screech hawk (Zool.), the European goatsucker; -- so called from its note. [Prov. Eng.] -- Screech owl. (Zool.) (a) A small American owl (Scops asio), either gray or reddish in color. (b) The European barn owl. The name is applied also to other species.

    1913 Webster

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