GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    Shop , obs. imp. of Shape. Shaped.

    1913 Webster
    Shop, n. [OE. shoppe, schoppe, AS. sceoppa a treasury, a storehouse, stall, booth; akin to scypen a shed, LG. schup a shed, G. schoppen, schuppen, a shed, a coachhouse, OHG. scopf.]
    1. A building or an apartment in which goods, wares, drugs, etc., are sold by retail.
      1913 Webster

      From shop to shop
      Wandering, and littering with unfolded silks
      The polished counter.

      1913 Webster

    2. A building in which mechanics or artisans work; as, a shoe shop; a car shop.
      1913 Webster

      A tailor called me in his shop.

      1913 Webster

    3. A person's occupation, business, profession, or the like, as a subject of attention, interest, conversation, etc.; -- sometimes in deprecation or disapproval; as, to talk shop at a party. Also used attributively, as in shop talk.
      Webster 1913 Suppl.
    4. A place where any industry is carried on; as, a chemist's shop; also, (Slang), any of the various places of business which are commonly called offices, as of a lawyer, doctor, broker, etc.
      Webster 1913 Suppl.
    5. Any place of resort, as one's house, a restaurant, etc. [Slang, Chiefly Eng.]
    6. the group of workers and the activities controlled by an administrator; as, to have five people in one's shop. [Colloq.]

      Shop is often used adjectively or in composition; as, shop rent, or shop-rent; shop thief, or shop-thief; shop window, or shop-window, etc.

      1913 Webster

      To smell of the shop, to indicate too distinctively one's occupation or profession. -- To talk shop, to make one's business the topic of social conversation; also, to use the phrases peculiar to one's employment. [Colloq.]

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Store; warehouse. See Store.

      1913 Webster

    Shop, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Shopped ; p. pr. & vb. n. Shopping.] To visit shops for the purpose of purchasing goods.
    1913 Webster

    He was engaged with his mother and some ladies to go shopping.

    1913 Webster

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