GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 4 definitions

    Spencer , n. [OF. despensier. See Spence, and cf. Dispenser.] One who has the care of the spence, or buttery. [Obs.]
    Promptorium Parvulorum.

    1913 Webster
    Spencer, n. [From the third Earl Spencer, who first wore it, or brought it into fashion.] A short jacket worn by men and by women.
    Ld. Lutton.

    1913 Webster
    Spencer, n. (Naut.) A fore-and-aft sail, abaft the foremast or the mainmast, hoisted upon a small supplementary mast and set with a gaff and no boom; a trysail carried at the foremast or mainmast; -- named after its inventor, Knight Spencer, of England [1802].
    1913 Webster

    Spencer mast, a small mast just abaft the foremast or mainmast, for hoisting the spencer. R. H. Dana, Jr.

    1913 Webster

    Trysail , n. (Naut.) A fore-and-aft sail, bent to a gaff, and hoisted on a lower mast or on a small mast, called the trysail mast, close abaft a lower mast; -- used chiefly as a storm sail. Called also spencer.

    1913 Webster

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