GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Spinet , n. [OF. espinete, F. épinette (cf. It. spinetta), fr. L. spina a thorn; -- so called because its quills resemble thorns. See Spine.] (Mus.) A keyed instrument of music resembling a harpsichord, but smaller, with one string of brass or steel wire to each note, sounded by means of leather or quill plectrums or jacks. It was formerly much used.
    1913 Webster

    Dumb spinet. (Mus.) See Manichordon.

    1913 Webster

    Spinet , n. [L. spinetum. See Spinny.] A spinny. [Obs.]
    B. Jonson.

    1913 Webster

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