GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found one definition

    Stupid , a. [L. stupidus, fr. stupere to be stupefied: cf. F. stupide.]
    1. Very dull; insensible; senseless; wanting in understanding; heavy; sluggish; in a state of stupor; -- said of persons.
      1913 Webster

      O that men . . . should be so stupid grown . . .
      As to forsake the living God!

      1913 Webster

      With wild surprise,
      A moment stupid, motionless he stood.

      1913 Webster

    2. Resulting from, or evincing, stupidity; formed without skill or genius; dull; heavy; -- said of things.
      1913 Webster

      Observe what loads of stupid rhymes
      Oppress us in corrupted times.

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Simple; insensible; sluggish; senseless; doltish; sottish; dull; heavy; clodpated. -- Stu"pid*ly , adv. -- Stu"pid*ness, n.

      1913 Webster

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