GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Song , n. [AS. song, sang, fr. singan to sing; akin to D. zang, G. sang, Icel. söngr, Goth. saggws. See Sing.]
    1. That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect, etc. “That most ethereal of all sounds, the song of crickets.”

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    2. A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music; a ballad.
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    3. More generally, any poetical strain; a poem.
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      The bard that first adorned our native tongue
      Tuned to his British lyre this ancient song.

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    4. Poetical composition; poetry; verse.
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      This subject for heroic song.

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    5. An object of derision; a laughingstock.
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      And now am I their song, yea, I am their byword.
      Job xxx. 9.

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    6. A trifle; an insignificant sum of money; as, he bought it for a song. “The soldier's pay is a song.”

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      Old song, a trifle; nothing of value. “I do not intend to be thus put off with an old song.” Dr. H. More. -- Song bird (Zool.), any singing bird; one of the Oscines. -- Song sparrow (Zool.), a very common North American sparrow (Melospiza fasciata, or Melospiza melodia) noted for the sweetness of its song in early spring. Its breast is covered with dusky brown streaks which form a blotch in the center. -- Song thrush (Zool.), a common European thrush (Turdus musicus), noted for its melodius song; -- called also mavis, throstle, and thrasher.

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      Syn. -- Sonnet; ballad; canticle; carol; canzonet; ditty; hymn; descant; lay; strain; poesy; verse.

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    { Thrasher , Thresher }, n.
    1. One who, or that which, thrashes grain; a thrashing machine.
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    2. (Zool.) A large and voracious shark (Alopias vulpes), remarkable for the great length of the upper lobe of its tail, with which it beats, or thrashes, its prey. It is found both upon the American and the European coasts. Called also fox shark, sea ape, sea fox, slasher, swingle-tail, and thrasher shark.
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    3. (Zool.) A name given to the brown thrush and other allied species. See Brown thrush.
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      Sage thrasher. (Zool.) See under Sage. -- Thrasher whale (Zool.), the common killer of the Atlantic.

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