GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Song , n. [AS. song, sang, fr. singan to sing; akin to D. zang, G. sang, Icel. söngr, Goth. saggws. See Sing.]
    1. That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect, etc. “That most ethereal of all sounds, the song of crickets.”

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    2. A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music; a ballad.
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    3. More generally, any poetical strain; a poem.
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      The bard that first adorned our native tongue
      Tuned to his British lyre this ancient song.

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    4. Poetical composition; poetry; verse.
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      This subject for heroic song.

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    5. An object of derision; a laughingstock.
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      And now am I their song, yea, I am their byword.
      Job xxx. 9.

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    6. A trifle; an insignificant sum of money; as, he bought it for a song. “The soldier's pay is a song.”

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      Old song, a trifle; nothing of value. “I do not intend to be thus put off with an old song.” Dr. H. More. -- Song bird (Zool.), any singing bird; one of the Oscines. -- Song sparrow (Zool.), a very common North American sparrow (Melospiza fasciata, or Melospiza melodia) noted for the sweetness of its song in early spring. Its breast is covered with dusky brown streaks which form a blotch in the center. -- Song thrush (Zool.), a common European thrush (Turdus musicus), noted for its melodius song; -- called also mavis, throstle, and thrasher.

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      Syn. -- Sonnet; ballad; canticle; carol; canzonet; ditty; hymn; descant; lay; strain; poesy; verse.

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    Throstle , n. [OE. throsel, AS. þrostle, þrosle; akin to MHG. trostel, G. drossel, Icel. þröstr, Sw. trast, Lith. strazdas, L. turdus. √238. Cf. Thrush the bird.]
    1. (Zool.) The song thrush. See under Song.
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    2. A machine for spinning wool, cotton, etc., from the rove, consisting of a set of drawing rollers with bobbins and flyers, and differing from the mule in having the twisting apparatus stationary and the processes continuous; -- so called because it makes a singing noise.
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      Throstle cock, the missel thrush. [Prov. Eng.]

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