GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Trout , n. [AS. truht, L. tructa, tructus; akin to Gr. τρώκτης a sea fish with sharp teeth, fr. τρώγειν to gnaw.]
    1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of fishes belonging to Salmo, Salvelinus, and allied genera of the family Salmonidae. They are highly esteemed as game fishes and for the quality of their flesh. All the species breed in fresh water, but after spawning many of them descend to the sea if they have an opportunity.
      1913 Webster

      1913 Webster

      ☞ The most important European species are the river, or brown, trout (Salmo fario), the salmon trout, and the sewen. The most important American species are the brook, speckled, or red-spotted, trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) of the Northern United States and Canada; the red-spotted trout, or Dolly Varden (see Malma); the lake trout (see Namaycush); the black-spotted, mountain, or silver, trout (Salmo purpuratus); the golden, or rainbow, trout (see under Rainbow); the blueback trout (see Oquassa); and the salmon trout (see under Salmon.) The European trout has been introduced into America.

      1913 Webster

    2. (Zool.) Any one of several species of marine fishes more or less resembling a trout in appearance or habits, but not belonging to the same family, especially the California rock trouts, the common squeteague, and the southern, or spotted, squeteague; -- called also salt-water trout, sea trout, shad trout, and gray trout. See Squeteague, and Rock trout under Rock.
      1913 Webster

      Trout perch (Zool.), a small fresh-water American fish (Percopsis guttatus), allied to the trout, but resembling a perch in its scales and mouth.

      1913 Webster

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