GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 5 definitions

    Cusk , n. (Zool.) A large, edible, marine fish (Brosmius brosme), allied to the cod, common on the northern coasts of Europe and America; -- called also tusk and torsk.
    1913 Webster
    Torsk , n. [Dan.; akin to Icel. þorskr a codfish, G. dorsch.] (Zool.) (a) The cusk. See Cusk. (b) The codfish. Called also tusk.
    1913 Webster
    Tusk , n. (Zool.) Same as Torsk.
    1913 Webster
    Tusk, n. [OE. tusk, the same word as tusch, AS. tusc. See Tush a tooth.]
    1. (Zool.) One of the elongated incisor or canine teeth of the wild boar, elephant, etc.; hence, any long, protruding tooth.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Zool.) A toothshell, or Dentalium; -- called also tusk-shell.
      1913 Webster
    3. (Carp.) A projecting member like a tenon, and serving the same or a similar purpose, but composed of several steps, or offsets. Thus, in the illustration, a is the tusk, and each of the several parts, or offsets, is called a tooth.
      1913 Webster
    Tusk , v. i. To bare or gnash the teeth. [Obs.]
    1913 Webster

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