GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Upland , n.
    1. High land; ground elevated above the meadows and intervals which lie on the banks of rivers, near the sea, or between hills; land which is generally dry; -- opposed to lowland, meadow, marsh, swamp, interval, and the like.
      1913 Webster
    2. The country, as distinguished from the neighborhood of towns. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster
    Upland, a.
    1. Of or pertaining to uplands; being on upland; high in situation; as, upland inhabitants; upland pasturage.
      1913 Webster

      Sometimes, with secure delight
      The upland hamlets will invite.

      1913 Webster

    2. Pertaining to the country, as distinguished from the neighborhood of towns; rustic; rude; unpolished. [Obs.W2] “ The race of upland giants.”

      1913 Webster

      Upland moccasin. (Zool.) See Moccasin. -- Upland sandpiper, or Upland plover (Zool.), a large American sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda) much valued as a game bird. Unlike most sandpipers, it frequents fields and uplands. Called also Bartramian sandpiper, Bartram's tattler, field plover, grass plover, highland plover, hillbird, humility, prairie plover, prairie pigeon, prairie snipe, papabote, quaily, and uplander. -- Upland sumach (Bot.), a North American shrub of the genus Rhus (Rhus glabra), used in tanning and dyeing.

      1913 Webster

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