GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Very , a. [Compar. Verier ; superl. Veriest.] [OE. verai, verray, OF. verai, vrai, F. vrai, (assumed) LL. veracus, for L. verax true, veracious, fr. verus true; akin to OHG. & OS. wār, G. wahr, D. waar; perhaps originally, that is or exists, and akin to E. was. Cf. Aver, v. t., Veracious, Verdict, Verity.] True; real; actual; veritable.
    1913 Webster

    Whether thou be my very son Esau or not.
    Gen. xxvii. 21.

    1913 Webster

    He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.
    Prov. xvii. 9.

    1913 Webster

    The very essence of truth is plainness and brightness.

    1913 Webster

    I looked on the consideration of public service or public ornament to be real and very justice.

    1913 Webster

    Very is sometimes used to make the word with which it is connected emphatic, and may then be paraphrased by same, self-same, itself, and the like. “The very hand, the very words.” Shak. “The very rats instinctively have quit it.” Shak. “Yea, there where very desolation dwells.” Milton. Very is used occasionally in the comparative degree, and more frequently in the superlative. “Was not my lord the verier wag of the two?” Shak. “The veriest hermit in the nation.” Pope. “He had spoken the very truth, and transformed it into the veriest falsehood.” Hawthorne.

    1913 Webster

    Very Reverend. See the Note under Reverend.

    1913 Webster

    Very , adv. In a high degree; to no small extent; exceedingly; excessively; extremely; as, a very great mountain; a very bright sun; a very cold day; the river flows very rapidly; he was very much hurt.
    1913 Webster

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