GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found one definition

    Vigil , n. [OE. vigile, L. vigilia, from vigil awake, watchful, probably akin to E. wake: cf. F. vigile. See Wake, v. i., and cf. Reveille, Surveillance, Vedette, Vegetable, Vigor.]
    1. Abstinence from sleep, whether at a time when sleep is customary or not; the act of keeping awake, or the state of being awake; sleeplessness; wakefulness; watch. “Worn out by the labors and vigils of many months.”

      1913 Webster

      Nothing wears out a fine face like the vigils of the card table and those cutting passions which attend them.

      1913 Webster

    2. Hence, devotional watching; waking for prayer, or other religious exercises.
      1913 Webster

      So they in heaven their odes and vigils tuned.

      1913 Webster

      Be sober and keep vigil,
      The Judge is at the gate.
      Neale (Rhythm of St. Bernard).

      1913 Webster

    3. (Eccl.) (a) Originally, the watch kept on the night before a feast. (b) Later, the day and the night preceding a feast.
      1913 Webster

      He that shall live this day, and see old age,
      Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbors,
      And say, “To-morrow is St. Crispian.”

      1913 Webster

      (c) A religious service performed in the evening preceding a feast.

      1913 Webster

      Vigils of flowers or Watchings of flowers (Bot.), a peculiar faculty belonging to the flowers of certain plants of opening and closing their petals at certain hours of the day. [R.]

      1913 Webster

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