GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Wary , a. [Compar. Warier ; superl. Wariest.] [OE. war, AS. wær; akin to Icel. vrr, Dan. & Sw. var, Goth. wars, G. gewahr aware, OHG. wara notice, attention, Gr. to see. Cf. Aware, Garment, Garnish, Garrison, Panorama, Ward, v. t. Ware, a., Warren.]
    1913 Webster
    1. Cautious of danger; carefully watching and guarding against deception, artifices, and dangers; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous; careful. “Bear a wary eye.”

      1913 Webster

      We should be wary, therefore, what persecution we raise against the living labors of public men.

      1913 Webster

    2. Characterized by caution; guarded; careful.
      1913 Webster

      It behoveth our words to be wary and few.

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Cautious; circumspect; watchful. See Cautious.

      1913 Webster

    Warye , v. t. [AS. wergian, wyrgean. Cf. Worry.] To curse; to curse; to execrate; to condemn; also, to vex. [Obs.] [Spelled also warrie, warry, and wary.] “Whom I thus blame and warye.”

    1913 Webster

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