GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Young , a. [Compar. Younger ; superl. Youngest .] [OE. yung, yong, ȝong, ȝung, AS. geong; akin to OFries. iung, iong, D. joing, OS., OHG., & G. jung, Icel. ungr, Sw. & Dan. ung, Goth. juggs, Lith. jaunas, Russ. iunuii, L. juvencus, juvenis, Skr. juvaça, juvan. √281. Cf. Junior, Juniper, Juvenile, Younker, Youth.]
    1913 Webster
    1. Not long born; still in the first part of life; not yet arrived at adolescence, maturity, or age; not old; juvenile; -- said of animals; as, a young child; a young man; a young fawn.
      1913 Webster

      For he so young and tender was of age.

      1913 Webster

      “Whom the gods love, die young,” has been too long carelessly said; . . . whom the gods love, live young forever.
      Mrs. H. H. Jackson.

      1913 Webster

    2. Being in the first part, pr period, of growth; as, a young plant; a young tree.
      1913 Webster

      While the fears of the people were young.
      De Foe.

      1913 Webster

    3. Having little experience; inexperienced; unpracticed; ignorant; weak.
      1913 Webster

      Come, come, elder brother, you are too young in this.

      1913 Webster

    Young, n. The offspring of animals, either a single animal or offspring collectively.
    1913 Webster

    [The egg] bursting with kindly rupture, forth disclosed
    Their callow young.

    1913 Webster

    With young, with child; pregnant.

    1913 Webster

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