GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Bald , a. [OE. balled, ballid, perh. the p. p. of ball to reduce to the roundness or smoothness of a ball, by removing hair. √85. But cf. W. bali whiteness in a horse's forehead.]
    1. Destitute of the natural or common covering on the head or top, as of hair, feathers, foliage, trees, etc.; as, a bald head; a bald oak.
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      On the bald top of an eminence.

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    2. Destitute of ornament; unadorned; bare; literal.
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      In the preface to his own bald translation.

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    3. Undisguised.Bald egotism.”

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    4. Destitute of dignity or value; paltry; mean. [Obs.]
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    5. (Bot.) Destitute of a beard or awn; as, bald wheat.
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    6. (Zool.) (a) Destitute of the natural covering. (b) Marked with a white spot on the head; bald-faced.
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      Bald buzzard (Zool.), the fishhawk or osprey. -- Bald coot (Zool.), a name of the European coot (Fulica atra), alluding to the bare patch on the front of the head.

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    baldheaded, bald-headed, a. Having a bald head; lacking hair on all or most of the scalp; -- also called bald and bald-pated; as, a bald-headed gentleman.
    1913 Webster

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