GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Frame, n.
    1. Anything composed of parts fitted and united together; a fabric; a structure; esp., the constructional system, whether of timber or metal, that gives to a building, vessel, etc., its model and strength; the skeleton of a structure.
      1913 Webster

      These are thy glorious works, Parent of good,
      Almighty! thine this universal frame.

      1913 Webster

    2. The bodily structure; physical constitution; make or build of a person.
      1913 Webster

      Some bloody passion shakes your very frame.

      1913 Webster

      No frames could be strong enough to endure it.

      1913 Webster

    3. A kind of open case or structure made for admitting, inclosing, or supporting things, as that which incloses or contains a window, door, picture, etc.; that on which anything is held or stretched; as: (a) The skeleton structure which supports the boiler and machinery of a locomotive upon its wheels. (b) (Founding) A molding box or flask, which being filled with sand serves as a mold for castings. (c) The ribs and stretchers of an umbrella or other structure with a fabric covering. (d) A structure of four bars, adjustable in size, on which cloth, etc., is stretched for quilting, embroidery, etc. (e) (Hort.) A glazed portable structure for protecting young plants from frost. (f) (Print.) A stand to support the type cases for use by the compositor. (f) a pair of glasses without the lenses; that part of a pair of glasses that excludes the lenses.
      1913 Webster
    4. (Mach.) A term applied, especially in England, to certain machines built upon or within framework; as, a stocking frame; lace frame; spinning frame, etc.
      1913 Webster
    5. Form; shape; proportion; scheme; structure; constitution; system; as, a frameof government.
      1913 Webster

      She that hath a heart of that fine frame
      To pay this debt of love but to a brother.

      1913 Webster

      Put your discourse into some frame.

      1913 Webster

    6. Particular state or disposition, as of the mind; humor; temper; mood; as, to be always in a happy frame. Same as frame of mind
      1913 Webster
    7. Contrivance; the act of devising or scheming. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      John the bastard
      Whose spirits toil in frame of villainies.

      1913 Webster

    8. In games: (a) In pool, the triangular form used in setting up the balls; also, the balls as set up, or the round of playing required to pocket them all; as, to play six frames in a game of 50 points. (b) In bowling, as in tenpins, one of the several innings forming a game.
      Webster 1913 Suppl.

      Balloon frame, Cant frames, etc. See under Balloon, Cant, etc. -- Frame building or Frame house, a building of which the form and support is made of framed timbers. [U.S.] -- Frame level, a mason's level. -- Frame saw, a thin saw stretched in a frame to give it rigidity.

      1913 Webster

    Frame of mind , n. mood; mental attitude; mental disposition; same as frame{6}.

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