GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 5 definitions

    Antic , a. [The same word as antique; cf. It. antico ancient. See Antique.]
    1. Old; antique. (Zool.) “Lords of antic fame.”

      1913 Webster
    2. Odd; fantastic; fanciful; grotesque; ludicrous.
      1913 Webster

      The antic postures of a merry-andrew.

      1913 Webster

      The Saxons . . . worshiped many idols, barbarous in name, some monstrous, all antic for shape.

      1913 Webster

    Antic, n.
    1. A buffoon or merry-andrew; one that practices odd gesticulations; the Fool of the old play.
      1913 Webster
    2. An odd imagery, device, or tracery; a fantastic figure.
      1913 Webster

      Woven with antics and wild imagery.

      1913 Webster

    3. A grotesque trick; a piece of buffoonery; a caper.
      1913 Webster

      And fraught with antics as the Indian bird
      That writhes and chatters in her wiry cage.

      1913 Webster

    4. (Arch.) A grotesque representation. [Obs.]
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    5. An antimask. [Obs. or R.]
      1913 Webster

      Performed by knights and ladies of his court
      In nature of an antic.

      1913 Webster

    Antic, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Anticked , Antickt.] To make appear like a buffoon. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster
    Antic, v. i. To perform antics.
    1913 Webster
    Antique , a. [F., fr. L. antiquus old, ancient, equiv. to anticus, from ante before. Cf. Antic.]
    1913 Webster
    1. Old; ancient; of genuine antiquity; as, an antique statue. In this sense it usually refers to the flourishing ages of Greece and Rome.
      1913 Webster

      For the antique world excess and pride did hate.

      1913 Webster

    2. Old, as respects the present age, or a modern period of time; of old fashion; antiquated; as, an antique robe.Antique words.”

      1913 Webster
    3. Made in imitation of antiquity; as, the antique style of Thomson's “Castle of Indolence.”
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    4. Odd; fantastic. [In this sense, written antic.]
      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Ancient; antiquated; obsolete; antic; old-fashioned; old. See Ancient.

      1913 Webster

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