GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Antique , a. [F., fr. L. antiquus old, ancient, equiv. to anticus, from ante before. Cf. Antic.]
    1913 Webster
    1. Old; ancient; of genuine antiquity; as, an antique statue. In this sense it usually refers to the flourishing ages of Greece and Rome.
      1913 Webster

      For the antique world excess and pride did hate.

      1913 Webster

    2. Old, as respects the present age, or a modern period of time; of old fashion; antiquated; as, an antique robe.Antique words.”

      1913 Webster
    3. Made in imitation of antiquity; as, the antique style of Thomson's “Castle of Indolence.”
      1913 Webster
    4. Odd; fantastic. [In this sense, written antic.]
      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Ancient; antiquated; obsolete; antic; old-fashioned; old. See Ancient.

      1913 Webster

    Antique , n. [F. See Antique, a. ] In general, anything very old; but in a more limited sense, a relic or object of ancient art; collectively, the antique, the remains of ancient art, as busts, statues, paintings, and vases.
    1913 Webster

    Misshapen monuments and maimed antiques.

    1913 Webster