GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Array , n. [OE. arai, arrai, OF. arrai, arrei, arroi, order, arrangement, dress, F. arroi; a (L. ad) + OF. rai, rei, roi, order, arrangement, fr. G. or Scand.; cf. Goth. raidjan, garaidjan, to arrange, MHG. gereiten, Icel. reiĆ°i rigging, harness; akin to E. ready. Cf. Ready, Greith, Curry.]
    1. Order; a regular and imposing arrangement; disposition in regular lines; hence, order of battle; as, drawn up in battle array.
      1913 Webster

      Wedged together in the closest array.

      1913 Webster

    2. The whole body of persons thus placed in order; an orderly collection; hence, a body of soldiers.
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      A gallant array of nobles and cavaliers.

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    3. An imposing series of things.
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      Their long array of sapphire and of gold.

      1913 Webster

    4. Dress; garments disposed in order upon the person; rich or beautiful apparel.

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    5. (Law) (a) A ranking or setting forth in order, by the proper officer, of a jury as impaneled in a cause. (b) The panel itself. (c) The whole body of jurors summoned to attend the court.
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      To challenge the array (Law), to except to the whole panel. Cowell. Tomlins. Blount. -- Commission of array (Eng. Hist.), a commission given by the prince to officers in every county, to muster and array the inhabitants, or see them in a condition for war. Blackstone.

      1913 Webster

    Array, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Arrayed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Arraying.] [OE. araien, arraien, fr. OE. arraier, arreier, arreer, arroier, fr. arrai. See Array, n.]
    1. To place or dispose in order, as troops for battle; to marshal.
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      By torch and trumpet fast arrayed,
      Each horseman drew his battle blade.

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      These doubts will be arrayed before their minds.

      1913 Webster

    2. To deck or dress; to adorn with dress; to cloth to envelop; -- applied esp. to dress of a splendid kind.
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      Pharaoh . . . arrayed him in vestures of fine linen.
      Gen. xli..

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      In gelid caves with horrid gloom arrayed.

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    3. (Law) To set in order, as a jury, for the trial of a cause; that is, to call them man by man.

      1913 Webster

      To array a panel, to set forth in order the men that are impaneled.

      Cowell. Tomlins.

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- To draw up; arrange; dispose; set in order.

      1913 Webster