GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Assemblage, n. [Cf. F. assemblage. See Assemble.]
    1. The act of assembling, or the state of being assembled; association.
      1913 Webster

      In sweet assemblage every blooming grace.

      1913 Webster

    2. A collection of individuals, or of individuals, or of particular things; as, a political assemblage; an assemblage of ideas.
      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Company; group; collection; concourse; gathering; meeting; convention. Assemblage, Assembly. An assembly consists only of persons; an assemblage may be composed of things as well as persons, as, an assemblage of incoherent objects. Nor is every assemblage of persons an assembly; since the latter term denotes a body who have met, and are acting, in concert for some common end, such as to hear, to deliberate, to unite in music, dancing, etc. An assemblage of skaters on a lake, or of horse jockeys at a race course, is not an assembly, but might be turned into one by collecting into a body with a view to discuss and decide as to some object of common interest.

      1913 Webster

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