GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Attempt , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Attempted; p. pr. & vb. n. Attempting.] [OF. atenter, also spelt atempter, F. attenter, fr. L. attentare to attempt; ad + tentare, temptare, to touch, try, v. intens. of tendere to stretch. See Tempt, and cf. Attend.]
    1. To make trial or experiment of; to try; to endeavor to do or perform (some action); to assay; as, to attempt to sing; to attempt a bold flight.
      1913 Webster

      Something attempted, something done,
      Has earned a night's repose.

      1913 Webster

    2. To try to move, by entreaty, by afflictions, or by temptations; to tempt. [Obs. or Archaic]
      1913 Webster

      It made the laughter of an afternoon
      That Vivien should attempt the blameless king.

      1913 Webster

    3. To try to win, subdue, or overcome; as, one who attempts the virtue of a woman.
      1913 Webster

      Dear sir, of force I must attempt you further:
      Take some remembrance of us, as a tribute.

      1913 Webster

    4. To attack; to make an effort or attack upon; to try to take by force; as, to attempt the enemy's camp.
      1913 Webster

      Without attempting his adversary's life.

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- See Try.

      1913 Webster

    Attempt, v. i. To make an attempt; -- with upon. [Obs.]
    Sir T. Browne.

    1913 Webster
    Attempt, n. A essay, trial, or endeavor; an undertaking; an attack, or an effort to gain a point; esp. an unsuccessful, as contrasted with a successful, effort.
    1913 Webster

    By his blindness maimed for high attempts.

    1913 Webster

    Attempt to commit a crime (Law), such an intentional preparatory act as will apparently result, if not extrinsically hindered, in a crime which it was designed to effect.


    1913 Webster

    Syn. -- Attempt, Endeavor, Effort, Exertion, Trial. These words agree in the idea of calling forth our powers into action. Trial is the generic term; it denotes a putting forth of one's powers with a view to determine what they can accomplish; as, to make trial of one's strength. An attempt is always directed to some definite and specific object; as, “The attempt, and not the deed, confounds us.” Shak. An endeavor is a continued attempt; as, “His high endeavor and his glad success.” Cowper. Effort is a specific putting forth of strength in order to carry out an attempt. Exertion is the putting forth or active exercise of any faculty or power. “It admits of all degrees of effort and even natural action without effort.” C. J. Smith. See Try.

    1913 Webster

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