GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Found 2 definitions

    Barricade , n. [F. barricade, fr. Sp. barricada, orig. a barring up with casks; fr. barrica cask, perh. fr. LL. barra bar. See Bar, n., and cf. Barrel, n.]
    1913 Webster
    1. (Mil.) A fortification, made in haste, of trees, earth, palisades, wagons, or anything that will obstruct the progress or attack of an enemy. It is usually an obstruction formed in streets to block an enemy's access.
      1913 Webster
    2. Any bar, obstruction, or means of defense.
      1913 Webster

      Such a barricade as would greatly annoy, or absolutely stop, the currents of the atmosphere.

      1913 Webster

    Barricade, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Barricaded; p. pr. & vb. n. Barricading.] [Cf. F. barricader. See Barricade, n.] To fortify or close with a barricade or with barricades; to stop up, as a passage; to obstruct; as, the workmen barricaded the streets of Paris.
    1913 Webster

    The further end whereof [a bridge] was barricaded with barrels.

    1913 Webster