GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Capriccio , n. [It. See Caprice.]
    1. (Mus.) A piece in a free form, with frequent digressions from the theme; a fantasia; -- often called caprice.
      1913 Webster
    2. A caprice; a freak; a fancy.

      1913 Webster
    Caprice , n. [F. caprice, It. capriccio, caprice (perh. orig. a fantastical goat leap), fr. L. caper, capra, goat. Cf Capriole, Cab, Caper, v. i.]
    1. An abrupt change in feeling, opinion, or action, proceeding from some whim or fancy; a freak; a notion.Caprices of appetite.”
      W. Irving.

      1913 Webster
    2. (Mus.) See Capriccio.

      Syn. -- Freak; whim; crotchet; fancy; vagary; humor; whimsey; fickleness.

      1913 Webster

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