GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Chant , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Chanted; p. pr. & vb. n. Chanting.] [F. chanter, fr. L. cantare, intens. of canere to sing. Cf. Cant affected speaking, and see Hen.]
    1. To utter with a melodious voice; to sing.
      1913 Webster

      The cheerful birds . . . do chant sweet music.

      1913 Webster

    2. To celebrate in song.
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      The poets chant in the theaters.

      1913 Webster

    3. (Mus.) To sing or recite after the manner of a chant, or to a tune called a chant.
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    Chant, v. i.
    1. To make melody with the voice; to sing.Chant to the sound of the viol.”
      Amos vi. 5.

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    2. (Mus.) To sing, as in reciting a chant.
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      To chant horses or To chaunt horses, to sing their praise; to overpraise; to cheat in selling. See Chaunter.


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    Chant, n. [F. chant, fr. L. cantus singing, song, fr. canere to sing. See Chant, v. t.]
    1. Song; melody.
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    2. (Mus.) A short and simple melody, divided into two parts by double bars, to which unmetrical psalms, etc., are sung or recited. It is the most ancient form of choral music.
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    3. A psalm, etc., arranged for chanting.
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    4. Twang; manner of speaking; a canting tone. [R.]
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      His strange face, his strange chant.

      1913 Webster

      Ambrosian chant, See under Ambrosian. Chant royal [F.], in old French poetry, a poem containing five strophes of eleven lines each, and a concluding stanza. -- each of these six parts ending with a common refrain. -- Gregorian chant. See under Gregorian.

      1913 Webster

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