GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Deploy , v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Deployed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Deploying.] [F. déployer; pref. = dés (L. dis) + ployer, equiv. to plier to fold, fr. L. plicare. See Ply, and cf. Display.] (Mil.) To open out; to unfold; to spread out (a body of troops) in such a way that they shall display a wider front and less depth; -- the reverse of ploy; as, to deploy a column of troops into line of battle.
    1913 Webster
    deploy , v. t. To place (people or other resources) into a position so as to be ready to for action or use.
    { Deploy , Deployment , } n. (Mil.) The act of deploying; a spreading out of a body of men in order to extend their front.

    1913 Webster

    Deployments . . . which cause the soldier to turn his back to the enemy are not suited to war.
    H. L. Scott.

    1913 Webster

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