GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Display , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Displayed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Displaying.] [OE. displaien, desplaien, OF. despleier, desploier, F. déployer; pref. des- (L. dis-) + pleier, ploier, plier, F. ployer, plier, to fold, bend, L. plicare. See Ply, and cf. Deploy, Splay.]
    1. To unfold; to spread wide; to expand; to stretch out; to spread.
      1913 Webster

      The northern wind his wings did broad display.

      1913 Webster

    2. (Mil.) To extend the front of (a column), bringing it into line.

      1913 Webster
    3. To spread before the view; to show; to exhibit to the sight, or to the mind; to make manifest.
      1913 Webster

      His statement . . . displays very clearly the actual condition of the army.

      1913 Webster

    4. To make an exhibition of; to set in view conspicuously or ostentatiously; to exhibit for the sake of publicity; to parade.
      1913 Webster

      Proudly displaying the insignia of their order.

      1913 Webster

    5. (Print.) To make conspicuous by large or prominent type.
      1913 Webster
    6. To discover; to descry. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      And from his seat took pleasure to display
      The city so adorned with towers.

    7. (Computers) To output (results or data) in a visible manner on the screen of a monitor, CRT, or other device.

      Syn. -- To exhibit; show; manifest; spread out; parade; expand; flaunt.

      1913 Webster

    Display, v. i. To make a display; to act as one making a show or demonstration.

    1913 Webster
    Display, n.
    1. An opening or unfolding; exhibition; manifestation.
      1913 Webster

      Having witnessed displays of his power and grace.

      1913 Webster

    2. Ostentatious show; exhibition for effect; parade.
      1913 Webster

      He died, as erring man should die,
      Without display, without parade.

      1913 Webster

    3. (Electronics) An electronic device on which the output signal of another electronic device may be presented in a visual form; -- also called display device. Typically the display device it is the screen of a cathode-ray tube, as in a computer monitor, but other forms of visual display such as LED or liquid crystal devices are also used. The printed output from a computer or other device is not considered as a display.
    4. (Computers) The output signal from a computer program, displayed on a display device. The displayed signal may consist of letters, numbers, or any graphical image.
    5. (Biology) a pattern of behavior, such as showing a body part to another animal, by which one animal conveys information to another, as for mating or defense.

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